If you’re wondering how to fly FPV drones, this is a great video to watch to get you started. It can be a bit intimidating, but my suggestion is to always start with a simulator and a radio. Simulators like Velocidrone, the Drone Racing League, Liftoff, etc are cheap and can run on almost any reasonably modern machine. You don’t need killer graphics — you don’t need a video game — you need a sim that gives the most realistic feel. So when it’s time to actually fly, you’re flying like a pro from the jump!
I recommend Velocidrone because it’s got the best and most realistic feel to it. This is key! It’s also very cheap, and it runs on almost anything. Win-win-win.
I also recommend the RadioMaster Boxer ($99), the TBS Mambo, or the TBS Tango 2 to start. These are excellent radios, priced very well, and you can get started in FPV and learn how to fly a drone in about a week of practice for about $150. That is probably the cheapest way to get started, and the best way since you can crash 10,000 times and not spend any more money (yet!).
If you think about it, $150 is not a lot of money to put into something to try out. Worst case scenario you can sell the radio to someone else because they hold value for years, and you’re out $20 on a simulator. This is one of the lowest points of entry, and is the only thing standing in the way between your old self and the new you — living life in the fast lane! It’s so much fun!